This is the final of the Advent paintings.
The inspiration for this painting is Revelation 19:9. ‘Then he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’” And he said to me, “These are true words of God.”’ (NASB)
This painting is what I imagine the marriage supper of the Lamb could be like, only it will be infinitely better! The best part of what it means is that we will finally be living where Jesus lives!
The culmination of courtship is marriage. What began in Bethlehem as an expression of love, and reiterated with an exclamation point at Jesus’ death and resurrection, will be culminated in heaven. We could consider this life the courtship phase. God is wooing us into a relationship with Him throughout this life. However we can reject His offer and miss out on heaven.
This Christmas, may you receive the great love that God has for you!