After looking at my treatment of hands in Praise With Strings, I decided that some hand practice is needed. Having recently enjoyed a visit with my Mom, I photographed her hands and painted them. They show hard work, and even the hint of denim in the blue is very appropriate for her. Here is a poem in her honor:
These hands
held me, loved me, taught me, guided me
worked in the kitchen, worked in the hayfield
sewed and baked, washed and ironed
gardened and canned, worked cattle on horseback
mowed the yard, square danced
played trombone, and volleyball
served in church, taught 4-Hers
Today these hands
play card games, and hold great grandchildren
These are my mother’s hands, and they are beautiful!
Proverbs 31:31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.